Naturopathic medicine
Meet Dr Marissa Castello
Marissa is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor who blends the best of conventional medical technology with a strong focus on safe, natural remedies and mind-body wellness.
About Marissa
My wellness journey began 24 years ago when I was a college student living in Florida. When I went to seek help from a conventional doctor, the lack of compassionate care left me completely shook up, frustrated, and yearning for a more holistic approach to healing myself.
After working as a chef in a local food co-op and earning my Bachelor’s degree in business management, I discovered an amazing Food as Medicine culinary program in Austin, TX. The experience training as a Macrobiotic chef instilled a deep reverence and love for food as a tool for healing.
My extensive Culinary Arts training led me to the official healing arts, and I enrolled in the rigorous Naturopathic Doctorate program at the prestigious Bastyr University in Seattle. My 5+ years training included a two-year internship at the school’s downtown Seattle clinic as well as specialized work in counseling, IV Therapy, environmental medicine, classical homeopathy, and dermatology. I endeavored on many healing journeys, studying Hypnotherapy, journeying to Peru for a plant medicine retreat, and becoming professionally trained and certified in the art of Craniosacral Therapy. I also completed my Reiki Master training in 2018.
Treatments offered include
Vitamin B shots
Bio Identical Hormone Replacement
Craniosacral therapy
N.A.D Anti ageing therapy
LAB testing + interpretation
and a range of tailored programs on healing,